Education & Experience
I received both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees in social work from the University of Texas Arlington. One of my concentrations in my master’s was mental health. Post graduate work, I spent the next 3.5 years completing a 3,000 hour internship at Metroplex Counseling, a local Biblical counseling center. I also had the privilege to work part-time as an intern with Christ Chapel Soul Care for 4 months in 2018. At the end of all of my internship hours and testing, I became a LCSW (licensed clinical social worker) in the state of Texas. I am currently a member of ABC (Association of Biblical Counselors). In 2019, the Lord abundantly opened doors for me to begin my own private practice, and Re-Viving Lives Counseling was born!
Interests & Specialties
I counsel girls and young women ages 9-30s on the topics of anxiety, OCD, depression, self harm, certain kinds of grief, care for the caretaker, singleness, relationships (parent/ daughter, dating, friendships/ bullying, & roommates), and pornography.
Those seeking counseling for sexual abuse, marriage, domestic violence, grief for loss of spouse/ child, addictions, eating disorders, certain kinds of trauma, and play therapy are referred out as well as any males seeking counseling. I am happy to help connect you with a professional counselor specializing in these areas.
I currently offer in person and telehealth counseling options.
Fort Worth

I currently live in Fort Worth and enjoy outdoor adventuring, swing dancing, writing, reading, being involved at my church, spending time with my wonderful family, friends, and fiance, wearing my cowboy boots, and eating Tex Mex.